College Directory
Upward Bound
Downtown CampusBuilding: 32, Room: 330
Phone Number: 585-685-6013
Web Site: Upward Bound
Staff Listing
Name | Phone # | |
Brown-Wallace, Carmelita A., Director | 585-685-6214 | cwallace |
Martin, Brenna , Secretary | 585-685-6226 | bmartin36 |
Gray, Alice M., Program Coordinator | 585-685-6221 | agray |
Dunwoody, Ashly D. | 585-685-6228 | adunwoody2 |
El-Amin, Annie L., Advisor | 585-685-6218 | aelamin |
Harrell, Channing | charrell4 | |
Jones, Melea M. | 585-685-6236 | mjones162 |
Martinez, Meka Y. | 585-685-6224 | mmartinez68 |
Murphy, Christopher J. | cmurphy59 | |
Spencer, Katheryne | kspencer18 |
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